
Flight Updates!

Thanks to my dad, I found out today that our flights have changed minimally from the original information we all selected.  So, if your flight left Tuesday morning from Detroit, please keep reading.  Apparently, my dad got a phone call today from Expedia saying that the flight he chose (the same one that everyone leaving Tuesday has), was cancelled.  So, he was given an alternative flight that they asked him to confirm.  He called me to see if I received the same phone call and I didn't.  I want to get this information out in case any of you do, or do not, get the same call.  Although I didn't get a phone call, I checked my itinerary and after I signed in, it said my flight status changed and it gave the phone number to call.  When I called the number, the woman said that the original flight was cancelled, but what they do when that happens, is put everyone on the cancelled flight on the next closest flight according to time.  So before the flight left at 7:45, now it is 8am.  I was a little upset that I didn't get any phone call/email, so when I asked her what would have happened if I didn't call to confirm the flight like my dad did, she said that this new flight is pretty much the "default" flight so if you don't call, you will be put on that flight.  If that flight wouldn't work out (although its so close on all departure and arrival times) then you would be given new choices to pick from.  She suggests that everyone checks their itinerary from time to time to look for any changes (and yes, I also indicated to her that it would be nice if we were ALL informed of this change through phone call like my dad was), and although you will automatically be put on the new flights so we'll all be on the same one, it wouldn't hurt to call and confirm, so you can get an updated itinerary.  

I hope all this makes sense.  I was getting a little nervous when my dad told me that the flight was cancelled, but it was pretty much just changed to a new flight number and slightly different times (within 5-15 minute difference in times).  Let me know if this confuses anyone, but please check your itinerary and if you have time, contact Expedia to confirm the new times just so you can be sure you are on the same flight (new flight leaving at 8am and landing ultimately in Los Cabos at 1:34pm -- 2 minutes earlier!!).

Also, for any of you counting...today starts the 100 day countdown!  


Valerie Chandler said...

Thanks for the updates!!!!
I have been getting emails about updates (luggage) but nothing about this. I will check it out! 100 days baby! 102 (?) you Mrs. K. Perez!!!!

shaun said...

Totally confused! Is it 100 days including today or 100 days counting tomorrow? Plus does that 100th day end on the day you fly out or the last night before that morning?

I just wanted to check so that you could check that I was checking that you had checked.
