
Happy 34th!!!!

Another year older and another year wiser (or maybe just more sarcastic than ever!)  =)  It's Troy's birthday today, so I hope you have a good day, cute!  Tonight we're off to Red Lobster for dinner (yummy biscuits!) to celebrate and then some gift opening afterwards.  Well, actually, I'm sure he'll talk me into letting him open them before.  Regardless, happy birthday Troy...with many more to come!


Anonymous said...

Happy b-day to the older brother! Either Kristin time traveled or I did because she is posting at 6am and I am posting at 2am... or maybe we both time traveled. So confusing.

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Troy!! Hope you have a great day :)

Unknown said...

Haha...yeah, I originally wrote it last night to post at 6am today, but accidently forgot to chose the option to post later...long story, but you're right..the time doesn't match up correctly! =) Only you would be on here at 2am to find that out! =)

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated(or is it? since you celebrate the entire month. hee hee) Birthday Troy!